Orbán: Hungarians must not be made to pay for war
Orbán said peace was in Hungary’s interest and he called for the swiftest possible end to the war in Ukraine through negotiations, the statement said.
Orbán said extending sanctions to cover the energy sector would result in a disproportionately large burden on families and businesses. The statement said the other leaders were in agreement.
“The Hungarian government will not allow Hungarians to be forced to pay the price of war,” he said.
Hungary condemns Russia’s armed attack on Ukraine and will provide every assistance to people fleeing from the war, Orbán said. But when it comes to sanctions, it must be recognised that the bulk of Hungary’s gas and oil supplies are from Russia, he added, and 90 percent of Hungarian homes rely on gas heating.
“The Hungarian economy would grind to a halt with no gas or oil,” the prime minister said.