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Majority of Hungarians reject EU’s sanctions policy

The majority of Hungarians reject the European Union's current policy of sanctions, according to a fresh survey by the Szent Istvan Institute commissioned by the Nezopont Institute.
9. May 2023 17:59

Fully 54 percent of the survey’s respondents completely disagreed and 17 percent somewhat disagreed with the European Union’s response to the war in Ukraine, its sanctions and weapons deliveries. Meanwhile, 9 percent said they strongly agreed and 13 percent said they somewhat agreed with the EU’s responses.

In a breakdown of responses by age group, the Szent Istvan Institute found that the economically active respondents in the 40-49 and 50-59 age brackets were the most strongly opposed to the EU’s responses.

Altogether 35 percent of Budapest respondents rejected sanctions and weapons deliveries, compared with 55 percent of respondents based in other cities and 62 percent of those living in villages.

Meanwhile, the survey found that 51 percent of Budapest residents trusted that the EU was capable of protecting its citizens, compared with 43 percent of those living in other cities and 44 percent of those who live in villages.

In terms of age, trust in the EU was highest among 18-29-year-olds (56 percent) and lowest among 50-59-year-olds (37 percent). Altogether 11 percent of respondents did not or could not answer the question.

Fully 36 percent said they were completely or somewhat satisfied with the EU’s current leadership as against 54 percent who were dissatisfied, among whom 26 percent were completely dissatisfied. Altogether 10 percent of respondents did not or could not answer the question.

The survey also found that some 40 percent of Hungarians believe Christianity is vitally important to the future of Europe, while another 40 percent consider it somewhat or very important. Altogether 10 percent said Christianity was not at all important to the future of Europe, while 8 percent said it was of little importance.

The Szent Istvan Institute conducted its representative survey on the occasion of Europe Day.

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