Hungary's border fence – Photo: wikipedia

Hidveghi: Migration biggest challenge for Europe

The mandatory distribution of migrants based on quotas has caused a problem for now several years in Europe, Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi told public radio in connection with the new EU asylum and migration package, on Sunday.
9. October 2023 6:16

The new package would allow the European Council to take decisions on matters that impact the life of Hungarians in the long term, he said.

Further rounds of trilateral consultations can be expected to be held by the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament, Hidveghi said, adding that after further debates in the EP, the package might pass which “goes openly against the national interests of member states”.

He noted that Hungary and Poland had voted against the migration pact on several times with Czechia, Slovakia and Austria either abstaining or also voting against.

Hidveghi called it a serious problem that the package which affects “a broad spectrum of society” could be passed with a qualified majority instead of a unanimous decision.

“Illegal migration has become one of the biggest challenges for Europe. Strong border protection, political will and agreements concluded with countries from where migrants are coming from are the response to the increasing pressure posed by migration at Hungary’s borders,” he said. Hidgveghi called the stabilisation of the Balkans important also through the integration of countries in the region that are not yet members of the EU.

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