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Foreign minister: V4 cooperation in nations’ interest

At the first meeting of Visegrad Group foreign ministers under the Czech presidency, the participants said that continued cooperation was in their nations' interest, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Facebook on Monday.
19. September 2023 9:57

The ministers discussed the ban on Ukrainian grain, which the EU lifted on Sept 15, Szijjarto said. “Many expressed their disappointment at the European Commission’s actions,” he said. The EC failed in its obligation to protect the interests of member states, he added.

“I reiterated that Hungary would keep to the original agreement and allow the transit of Ukrainian grain across the country so that it can reach African countries that need it … but will not allow it to ruin Hungarian farmers,” he said.

While Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia approach the issues of the war in Ukraine differently, “international politics is awash in issues where a shared stance and joint representation is in the nations’ interest. We agreed to keep ministerial-level cooperation active and to meet regularly to work together,” Szijjarto said.

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