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Agriculture minister calls for review of Green Deal targets

Hungary's agriculture ministry on Monday called for a review of the targets contained in the European Union's Farm to Fork Strategy, as well as a reassessment of green goals in relation to the strategic plans of the Common Agricultural Policy, in view of food security issues arising from Russia's war in Ukraine.
21. March 2022 15:07

At the meeting of the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH), Agriculture Minister Istvan Nagy said that while the sector had a role to play in fighting climate change, such steps must not risk food supplies, and he called for the goals to be adapted to the situation that the war has created.

Nagy noted that the European Green Deal was still missing an “official” impact study. “Significant organisations have forecast a 15-20 percent drop in agricultural production should the targets be met,” he said.

The war in Ukraine, which provides a significant portion of the world’s cereal crops, warrants a review of the climate protection goals and their adaptation to the new situation, he said.

The minister also called for the CAP strategic plans to be adopted by the EU by July at the latest, to help farmers when it comes to deciding on autumn crops. They will need information to adapt to the requirements of the new CAP coming into force from 2023, he said, noting that Hungary submitted its strategic plan last December.

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