The European Parliament – Photo: wikipedia

Socialists: Hungarian people need EU funds

Hungarian families badly need European Union funds to tackle the current cost-of-living crisis, the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) told MTI after talks with the European parliamentary leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in Madrid.

The Hungarian delegation attending a Socialist International congress has asked Iratxe Garcia Perez to help develop a “uniform Socialist position” on the funds due to Hungary.

The delegates also asked the European Socialists to develop a timetable for “forcing” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to comply with rule-of-law norms and eliminate corruption.

The Socialists and Social Democrats have arrived at the conclusion that the crises should be overcome with more welfare payments and state intervention as neoliberal economic policies always generate inequalities and the related costs have to be borne by the common people.

MSZP co-leader Agnes Kunhalmi has called for joint efforts to protect employees, ensure housing security, guarantee the future of families and young people, and tackle climate and environmental problems.

“We have to fight for human rights, social security and democracy again and again,” she said.

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