City hall could support an Olympic bid
‘The city leadership of Budapest considers a concept worth considering that does not entail new sports projects without a sustainable effect, but contributes to the modernisation of the city,’ explained Mayor Gergely Karácsony at a press conference on Friday. The mayor had called the conference after the National Olympic Committee (MOB) asked the city to jointly consider a bid.
Government must give guarantees
The opposition politician from the left-wing splinter party Párbeszéd made it clear that there would have to be a broad social consensus behind the bid in any case. He said that Budapest would like to examine the potential that hosting the Olympic Games holds for the city’s development. His commitment referred to joint reflection and dialogue, but by no means to Budapest saying yes to the Olympic bid today. On Wednesday, he will present the issue to the Budapest city council for discussion. Karácsony also cited the assumption of guarantees by the government as a further prerequisite for the success of the process. ‘Once the concept has been finalised, it will ultimately be up to the people of Budapest, and possibly all Hungarians, to decide,’ said the mayor, who believes that the capital is well equipped in terms of its existing sports infrastructure.
Momentum calls for a referendum
‘It is not the NOC or the citizens of Budapest that should decide on the bid, but a referendum,’ Momentum announced in an official statement. As long as Hungary cannot organise everyday life normally, there should be no question of hosting the Olympic Games, the liberals are also convinced. As is well known, the NOlimpia movement is the political origin of Momentum. In 2017, it called for a referendum on the Fidesz-sponsored plan to bid for the 2024 Olympic Games. In response, the Orbán government preferred to withdraw the bid, citing the divided public.
Fidesz currently sees other priorities
Somewhat surprisingly, however, Fidesz has now also rejected the new initiative. Alexandra Szentkirályi, leader of the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary group in Budapest, said on Friday evening: ‘We have always been in favour of the Olympic Games. However, as long as the capital is close to bankruptcy, the issue is not relevant.’ The opposition leader also called on the mayor to disclose Budapest’s true financial situation and to take measures against the threat of bankruptcy. ‘Gergely Karácsony himself has admitted that the coffers are empty. The liberal rainbow coalition should first reorganise the budget before we can talk seriously about the Olympics.’