Hungarian evolutionary biologist Szathmary elected member of UNESCO IBSP board
Eors Szathmary, a Hungarian evolutionary biologist, has been elected to the board of UNESCO's International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP), Budapest ELTE University's ELKH Centre for Ecological Research said on Wednesday.
The IBSP board is the only body with a mandate to submit proposals to UNESCO leaders on matters related to basic research.
IBSP’s board is composed of 30 science scholars representing fields of basic research from countries around the world. Szathmary was nominated by Miklos Rethelyi, the head of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.
In a statement, Szathmary said supporting basic research was his top priority, and he called his election to the board “a clear recognition of Hungary’s scientific community”, noting that a small number of countries are represented in the body.
Szathmary’s mandate is for three years and can be extended once.