1955. Photo: Fortepan / Sándor Bauer

Weekly Fortepan – Great discoveries from letters sent in

‘Those are my grandparents!’

From time to time, the editors at Fortepan are moved by the letters from readers who took the effort to write down the story behind a particular Fortepan photo or by messages from people writing to tell that they have recognised a family member, a friend or an old classmate. These letters confirm the editors’ belief that (among other reasons) it is worth dealing with archival photos because of these types of great discoveries. The latest article contains a selection of ten from the latest Facebook messages, comments and letters from readers.

This article is the latest in the English-language blog by the Fortepan online repository of Hungarian photographs, and the full text with many more photos can be seen at https://hetifortepan.capacenter.hu/en/readers-letters/

The Fortepan digital archive collects and shares Hungarian photographs taken from 1900 to 1990, and currently contains 156,000 pictures. The collection, which does not exist in physical form, was launched in 2010. The archive comes under a Creative Commons licence and the richly illustrated series of articles is free for anyone to use, with due credit.

Fortepan now has an English edition of its weekly blog Heti Fortepan. The latter, in Hungarian, was launched in 2020 in professional partnership with the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center. The English-language Weekly Fortepan will be a selection of the Heti Fortepan series. Every second Wednesday morning an article in English is being published at hetifortepan.capacenter.hu/en. The earlier articles can also be seen at this link.

A playground on Jászai Mari Square in 1977, with the ramp leading to Margaret Bridge in the background. Photo: Fortepan / Főkert / Katalin Hlatky

The archive, which is mainly supported by donations, is run by 10-15 editors working on a voluntary basis, and they try to decipher the content of the images on the FortePan megfejtések forum.

The collection is based on 5000 images collected since the 1980s from Budapest junk clearances. Over the past decade more than 700 donors have offered their photographs to the archive. At first it was mainly families but later photo documentation from companies and professional photographers also found their way onto Fortepan.

At the intersection of Dr. Kovács Pál Street and Király (Alkotmány) Street in Győr. Photo: Fortepan / Sándor Kereki

Fortepan volunteers simply digitise the images and return them to the donors. Fortepan is an edited archive, and about a third of the images received are uploaded, with editor Miklós Tamási looking for the “meaningful” ones.

The archive is named after the Fortepan negative film produced by the former Forte factory in Vác, which was very popular in Hungary. The blog is edited by Tamási and István Virágvölgyi, curator of the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center.

Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center

Nagymező utca 8, District VI, Budapest

Website: https://capacenter.hu/en/

Email: info@capacenter.hu

Tel.: (06-1) 413-1310

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