Film director Laszlo Vitezy dies aged 83
Born in 1940, Vitezy’s early films explored the reality behind the facade of Socialism. Peacetime (Bekeido, 1979), featuring the life of the head of a producers’ cooperative in a village with dwindling population, is reported to have reached 1.5 million people despite censorship. Other films included The Unveiling (Leleplezes, 1979), Red Earth (Voros fold, 1982) and Reformgondolatok, 1984.
Later in life, he adapted three of author Zsigmond Moricz’s works for the screen, as well as films like Black Burdock (A fekete bojtár, 2015), The Actress (A szineszno, 2017) and The Singer (Az énekesno, 2022).
He was awarded the Balazs Bela Prize in 1980, the Sara-Csoori Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2021, and the Kossuth Prize in 2023. His works attracted numerous awards: among them he received the Grand Prize of the Mannheim Film Festival for Peacetime in 1980 and the award for best television film director at the Los Angeles Hungarian Film Festival in 2018.