Clinical trials had indicated that Pfizer's vaccine was 95 percent effective – Photo: MTI

Vaccinations to start in four largest elderly care homes

Covid-19 vaccinations will start in the four largest elderly care homes in Hungary on Thursday, in line with the government's inoculation plan, the government's coronavirus press centre said in a statement.

Of the four facilities, two are in Budapest, one in Pecs and one in Miskolc, the statement said. In the four institutions, altogether 447 employees and 779 residents have registered for the vaccine.

The vaccine will be administered by “mobile inoculation teams”, the statement said.

The care home in Budapest’s 17th district is home to over 500 people, with over 200 employees. There are 160 workers and 376 residents in the 15th district facility, and 237 workers and 480 elderly in the one in Pecs, southern Hungary. In the home in Miskolc, northern Hungary, 165 employees help 437 residents.

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