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Teachers’ union to appeal to supreme court over thwarted referendum

Teachers' trade union PSZ will appeal to the Kuria (supreme court) against the National Election Committee's recent decision to throw out their referendum initiative, the union said on Wednesday.

PSZ deputy leaders Gabor Gosztonyi and Tamas Totyik initiated a referendum in March, with questions concerning the qualification of teachers, the number of classes at school, as well as school closures. The election committee, however, did not approve of the initiative, saying that answering the questions would need “special information, which cannot be expected from voters … and they could therefore not assess the ramifications of their decision”.

Gosztonyi and Totyik said voters “must not be treated as children”, adding that the government was “afraid of a real consultation” with the people. A referendum, they insisted, would provide “meaningful answers to meaningful questions concerning major issues determining the future of students and that of Hungary”.

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