Szijjarto: Hungarians abroad to have ‘record high’ number of locations to vote
“Here is an opportunity to end the war psychosis dominating recent times … an opportunity to send pro-peace politicians to the European Parliament,” Szijjarto said. The minister called on all Hungarians living or currently staying abroad that had registered to vote locally “to use the opportunity” and turn up at the polls.
The foreign ministry has delegated 204 employees to polling stations across the world to manage the voting process and bring the votes back to Hungary, Szijjarto said.
In most foreign locations polls will open at 6am and close at 7pm, local time, Szijjarto said, but warned that polls would close earlier at some places “due to strict poll closing regulations”. In London, for example, polls will close at 6pm, he said, adding that the largest number of Hungarians abroad had registered to vote in London. Fully 2,148 people are expected to vote in London, followed by the Hague with 1,464 people and Brussels with 1,354.
The first polls will open in Brazil at 11pm on Saturday CET, Szijjarto said.