Szeged University best in Hungary in QS World University Rankings
Published on Wednesday, the British QS World University Rankings 2023 listed 2,462 higher education institutions, about 800 more than last year, and ranked 1,422, including 122 new universities surveyed, it said.
Altogether eleven Hungarian universities have been considered, including two for the first time.
Debrecen University was ranked in the 651-700 category, while Eotvos Lorand University and Debrecen University were placed between 701 and 750. The 801-1000 category featured Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Szechenyi University of Gyor, and Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Budapest Corvinus University, Miskolc University, Pannon University of Veszprem and Obuda University were placed between 1,001 and 1,200.