Szazadveg: Marki-Zay’s Soros poster campaign ‘absurd’
“This isn’t the first time the left-wing prime ministerial candidate has defended the American billionaire,” the pro-government think-tank said in a statement on Tuesday.
In a keynote speech on October 23, Marki-Zay said there was no proof of any migrants having been resettled in Hungary, it added.
Szazadveg said a package of proposals put forward by Soros in 2015 had called for “safe routes to be established” for migrants. Migrants stranded in Greece should be relocated to other EU countries, he proposed.
The route Soros suggested included Hungary, it said, noting that the government built the border fence and strengthened border protection accordingly.
The think-tank said a big part of the ideology of an open society promoted by Soros was to encourage immigration.
In an article in the Financial Times, Soros argued that if a mechanism to distribute migrants did not become “a permanent and obligatory element of the common EU asylum system” then the system would break down, and he further argued that the EU should accept at least one million asylum seekers each year, Szazadveg said.