Szazadveg: Hungarians expect ‘self-restraint, sobriety’ from politicians
Fully 91 percent of the respondents said tensions between Russia and Ukraine should be eased, Szazadveg said. Thirty-two percent said Russia was responsible for an escalation of the conflict, while 13 percent blamed Ukraine. Forty-seven percent, however, said that both parties were responsible, the think-tank said.
As Hungary has worked to build balanced and peaceful relations with both Ukraine and Russia, only 25 percent of respondents said “the Hungarian prime minister serves Russian President Vladimir Putin”, while 71 percent saw Viktor Orban as a leader striving for peaceful ties with Russia while trying to guarantee gas and energy supplies for Hungary, Szazadveg said.
Fully 66 percent of respondents said that Hungary’s relations with Russia, developed in recent years, were favourable in terms of maintaining peace and security in the country, as well as preventing the country from being dragged into the conflict. Ninety percent of the respondents said Hungary must not get involved in an armed conflict, and ensuring the country’s security was of paramount importance, Szazadveg said.
Nine percent of the polled said that punishing Putin should be a top priority, while 91 percent supported the position that tensions should be eased and threatening Russia was not purposeful.