Stats office launches national survey ahead of 2021 census

Hungary's statistical office (KSH) is soon launching a national survey in support of next year's census, the KSH said in a statement on Thursday.

Fully 6,000 randomly selected households in 156 localities will receive a letter asking them to participate in the survey, while anyone who is interested in the census can fill out the questionnaire at by Nov. 26, the statement said.

The test survey aims to measure how long it takes to fill out the census questionnaire, how easy it is to interpret the questions as well as which digital devices people are likely to use during the procedure.

Marcell Kovacs, the census’s project manager, said it was important to develop an online questionnaire for the census starting next May, making it easier for everyone to provide data. Unlike the actual census, the test survey will not cover nationality, mother tongue, religion, health, or disability.

Filling out the census itself is mandatory and takes place every ten years, the statement noted.

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