State secretary: Brussels wants voting rights, housing for migrants
The multi-point strategy “drawn up by pro-migration bureaucrats” begins with the management of migration policy, Tamas Menczer, the state secretary for communications and international representation, said in a video message on Facebook.
The next point elaborates on the goal of creating an open society and is followed by the goal of organising migration, he said.
The strategy also proposes providing financial support to migrants as well as giving them access to “adequate and affordable housing”, the state secretary said.
It also calls for creating opportunities for migrants’ “full economic, social, cultural and political participation”, Menczer said. Finally, the strategy calls for the involvement of migrant organisations in the decision-making process at the local, regional and national levels, he said.
“This is the latest strategy from Brussels,” Menczer said. “According to Brussels, member states that say no to this are not governed by the rule of law. The Hungarian government’s position, however, remains the same: we say no to both migration and [political] pressure.”