An SOS Children's Village in Kecskemet – Photo:

SOS Children’s Village survey: Fundraising more difficult

The coronavirus pandemic has made raising donations and getting volunteer help more difficult for charities in Hungary, the SOS Children's Village Hungary Foundation said in a survey published on Monday.

Fully 70 percent of respondents said they have been facing difficulties in regular fundraising, SOS said, citing its online survey conducted among members of the self-regulatory body of fundraising organisations (ASZOT) in February. Most difficult has been to reach potential donors in the absence of personal meetings and live events, according to the survey filled out by 29 NGOs.

Forty percent of respondents noted an increase in cash donations, whereas 35 percent noted a drop since the outbreak of the pandemic last spring. Half of them noted a drop in registrations for volunteer work.

Also forty percent indicated concern over accepting donations in material goods in general and 35 percent said they rejected mostly clothes, furniture and foodstuff because of the pandemic.

Half of the NGOs said digital tools are most welcome as a donation, whereas 38 percent said the same about disinfectants, 35 percent about office supplies, 28 percent about durable foods and 24 percent about health-care products.

Eight out of ten said regular cash donations were the most effective form of help, followed by ad hoc financial contributions.

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