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Retvari: Number of people coming from western Europe to settle in Hungary on the rise since 2015

Because of the migration pressure, the number of people coming from western Europe to settle in Hungary has gone up between 20 and 40 percent over the past several years, the interior ministry's parliamentary state secretary said at a farewell ceremony for a police contingent in Budapest on Tuesday.

Since 2015, the number of those coming to Hungary from Belgium has increased by 47 percent, from Italy by 45 percent, from the Netherlands by 43 percent, from Spain by 40 percent, from Switzerland 28 percent, from Austria 25 percent, from Britain by 22 percent and from Germany and France 20 percent, respectively, Bence Retvari said. Their motivation was to find security and safe conditions in public domains, he said.

Retvari addressed the ceremony for the next contingent of Hungarian police officers dispatched to serve in Serbia in partnership with their local and Austrian colleagues, noting that “their task is becoming more difficult and more important as they are protecting the EU, and Hungary, against the increasing pressure posed by migration”.

The state secretary noted that he had visited the Hungarian contingent in Serbia last year and had met officers serving on their 8th mission there. “Last year, close to 400 Hungarian officers served on the missions,” Retvari said.

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