Renaissance hunting drawings to be shown as part of hunting, nature expo
An exhibition featuring 53 Renaissance drawings of hunting scenes by 16th-century German graphic artist and stained-glass painter Augustin Hirschvogel will open in Budapest's Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday.
The exhibition is a fringe event of World of Hunting and Nature expo to be hosted by Budapest from September 25 to October 14 under the motto “One with Nature”.
As Hirschvogel’s drawings precisely document the hunting methods and depict the weapons, clothes, fauna and society of that age in exquisite detail, deputy director Annamaria Vigh told reporters on Friday.
The exhibition, the first one of the full 53-piece series, also features reproductions of the eight stained-glass windows based on the drawings, Curator Szilvia Bodnar said.
The exhibition runs until January 9, 2022.