The University of Szeged – Photo: wikipedia

Pecs, Szeged universities support reorganisation

The senates of the universities of Pecs and Szeged on Friday voted in favour of the government's reorganisation scheme, which would put their operations into the hands of a state-founded foundations rather than to continue working as a state-run institution.

The Pecs University said in a statement that the senate voted at an open online extraordinary meeting. After talks with the faculties, 29 voted in favour, 9 against and 1 abstained, the statement said. In the draft proposal, the university called for guarantees for free education, research and artistic activities, for strengthening the senate’s role, and for maintaining the university’s unity. The senate also demanded an advisory role in naming the foundation’s board, the statement said.

The senate of the University of Szeged also voted in favour of a similar reorganisation. After talks between the leadership, the College of Deans and the senate, the senate convened an extraordinary session, where 29 voted in favour and 16 against the proposal. Seven abstained, the university communications directorate told MTI.

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