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Parbeszed: ‘Irrational war on Brussels a threat to Hungary’s fundamental stability’

The opposition Parbeszed party on Friday slammed government policy, saying the "irrational war with Brussels is threatening Hungary's fundamental stability."

Although the European Commission’s proposal to withhold funding worth 3000 billion forints (EUR 7.3bn) is “not necessarily equivalent to the scrapping of the funds”, the delay will cause “grave problems in the budget”, he said.

The approval of Hungary’s recovery plan means merely that the 2,000 billion forints allocated for the purpose “are not lost forever”. The proposal will have to be adopted by the member states at a meeting on Dec. 6, he added. That vote will come after decisions on two topics the Hungarian government has earlier threatened to veto, the aid to Ukraine and the matter of the corporate minimum tax, he said.

“If those mutual threats are be implemented, it will hurt Hungary immeasurably more,” he said.

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