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Orbán: Hungary’s EU presidency was ‘the beginning of a new era’

The world sees "the rise of the East, Asia, and the world order created and dominated by the Anglo-Saxons is over," the prime minister said.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of last year was “the beginning of a new era”.

Speaking at a conference dubbed Successful Hungarian Presidency 2024 – Chance for the European Union, organized by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium on Monday, PM Orbán said the upcoming era would be recorded in history books as “one in which (US President) Donald Trump and European patriots started a reconstruction of the Western world”.

The world sees “the rise of the East, Asia, and the world order created and dominated by the Anglo-Saxons is over,” he said.

The world’s main power centres are in the process of building new economic, political and cultural frameworks “for us to live in probably for decades to come”, he said. “Brussels is the only geopolitical centre where they are not interested in changes in global politics and impacts on us … the EU has not even started preparing for the race, so it should sober up,” PM Orbán said

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