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Orbán greets Jewish community on Hanukkah

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in a letter greeted the Hungarian Jewish community to mark the start of Hanukkah, the prime minister's press chief said in a statement on Thursday.

“The candles of Hanukkah lit on the darkest days of the year are a reminder that even the longest night can’t last forever, and even the most difficult periods come to an end,” the letter said.

“This message is especially important now when anti-Semitism is on the rise across Europe, leading to attacks against innocent people solely because of their origin or religion,” the prime minister said. “It gives me a good feeling that even in these difficult times Hungary is an island of peace in the world, where all our Jewish compatriots can live and celebrate in safety.”

“As the prime minister of Hungary, I greet you all respectfully on the festivity of light and wish that the miracle of Hanukkah bring us all the long-awaited peace,” the letter said.


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