Conservatives must unite, PM tells conference in Texas
Orbán at CPAC: ‘We must take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels’
Orbán said that if anyone had doubts about whether progressive liberals and communists were the same, “just ask us Hungarians; we have fought them both and I can tell you they are the same.”
He added that “our values, the nation, Christian roots and family can be successful on the political battlefield, even nowadays, when political life is ruled by liberal hegemony. I’m here to tell you how we made these values successful and mainstream in Hungary,” he said.
Orbán said the key to success was to fight at one hundred percent. “We tell the truth and represent the truth, even if half the world attacks us for it.” “First and foremost, we need to trust our Judeo-Christian teachings,” he added.
“Today’s progressives try to separate Western civilisation from its Christian roots once again. They are crossing a line that should never be crossed. If you separate Western civilisation from its Judeo-Christian heritage, the worst things in history happen,” he said.
“Therefore, we have to be brave enough to address even the most sensitive questions: migration, gender and the clash of civilisations.”
“A Christian politician cannot be racist,” he added.
“Instead I tell you the truth: in Hungary we introduced a zero-tolerance policy on racism and anti-Semitism, so accusing us is fake news and those who make these claims are simply idiots,” the prime minister said.
Orbán said the US government had put Europe and the European Union under ideological pressure. “The Obama administration tried to force us to change the fundamental law of Hungary and delete Christian and national values from it,” he said. “The leading power of the free world wanted to force us to change our constitution according to a globalist liberal concept. How bizarre!” But this attempt was successfully resisted, he added.
Noting that Texas is known as the Lone Star State, Orbán said the state represented “independence, freedom and sovereignty” as the “dearest values in this part of America”. “My country, Hungary, is the lone star state of Europe,” he declared. “Independence, freedom and sovereignty is what we Hungarians fought for in the last 500 years,” he said.
“We fought for Christianity in the Middle and Modern Ages; and we fought for Christian democracy in the 20th century, and continue to fight to this day.”
Orbán said he was the leader of a country that “is under the siege of progressive liberals day by day.”
“You have to believe that you are better than your left-liberal opponents are,” he declared. “You must play to win!”
Orbán said what liberals may say didn’t count. “They always say you will lose; they say it cannot be done, you just have to prove them wrong,” he declared.
The prime minister said a culture war was under way, and churches, families, universities, and community institutions needed to be revitalised.
“Hungary is an old, proud, but David-sized nation standing alone against the Woke Globalist Goliath,” he said. “We invite the solidarity of the American conservatives.”
“We must take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels,” he declared. “We must find friends and allies in one another.”
Orbán noted the US mid-term elections will take place later this year, followed by presidential and congressional elections in 2024. “And we will have elections in the European Parliament in the same year,” he added. “These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for western civilisation,” Orbán said.
Meanwhile, Orbán said in his speech that Hungarians were the first in Europe to say no to illegal migration and “stopped the invasion of illegal migrants”. Hungarians, he added, insisted that stopping illegal migration “is necessary to protect our nation.”
Hungary’s government decided to ask the people whether or not they wanted illegal migration, and Hungarians rejected it in a referendum, he said. “So, they don’t want to play by the rules of the progressives,” he added.
He noted that the current US administration had decided to terminate the tax treaty between Hungary and the United States “which was probably the best tax deal ever negotiated”, Orbán said. “I think indeed it was the revenge of the West. because the US Treasury somehow forgot that they have a very similar treaty with Russia,” he added.
On the subject of the war in Ukraine, Orbán said: “Without American-Russian talks there will never be peace in Ukraine.” Noting that Ukraine is Hungary’s neighbour, Orbán declared that “we are in full solidarity with them”.
“The attack of Russia against Ukraine has forced close to one million refugees to Hungary so far,” he added. “The globalist leaders’ strategy escalates and prolongs war and decreases the chance of peace.” “Only strong leaders are able to make peace. We in the neighbourhood of Ukraine are desperately in need of strong leaders, who are capable of negotiating the peace deal,” Orbán said.