Orbán: A strong middle class is the key to societal stability
“A strong middle class will be the key issue in the next 15-20 years,” the prime minister stated. He stressed that looming threats such as migration and societal disruptions will pose significant challenges for Europe. “Only those countries can be successful where a social order based on the middle class is unshakable and unyielding,” he explained.
The prime minister highlighted Hungary’s achievements in fortifying its middle class since 2010. “Nine out of ten Hungarians are homeowners,” he noted, adding that employment has grown by 1 million people in a population of 10 million. Workforce participation among those aged 20-64 has increased from 64 percent to 81 percent, while household financial wealth has quadrupled to approximately HUF 90 trillion, ranking Hungary 13th in the European Union for financial savings.
These successes, PM Orbán argued, are the result of policies designed to protect and empower the middle class, shielding it from the vulnerabilities observed in many Western European nations.
Discussing the euro, PM Orbán cited the late Alexandre Lámfalussy, the “Father of the Euro,” explaining that Hungary avoided joining the eurozone prematurely based on Lámfalussy’s warnings. “The legacy of the father of the euro for Hungary is the advice to beware: If your economy is not prepared for accession, the accession will destroy you,” the prime minister said.
He noted that Hungary had followed this advice, choosing to remain outside the eurozone until its economy is ready to meet the challenges of membership.
Turning to Hungary’s role in a changing global order, PM Orbán shared his vision of the country’s position in a world shifting from a liberal era to a sovereigntist one. Hungary has spent 15 years building a sovereigntist model, and it has learned key lessons. “The first is that stability and security will become more important than ever,” he said, adding that a nation incapable of defending itself can only be subordinate in the global hierarchy.
Migration, he noted, will be a central issue threatening the security and stability of European nations in the years ahead.
The prime minister argued that success in this new age will also depend on the ability to adopt and innovate new governance models. “We are witnessing the collapse of neoliberal governance models in Europe and the United States,” he said. In their place, nations will need to develop systems tailored to their unique cultures and national characteristics.
Hungary, he stated, has focused on connectivity-based foreign policy, building strong ties with all major global players, including the United States, China, and Russia.
In his concluding remarks, PM Orbán reiterated that building and sustaining a strong middle class is central to Hungary’s strategy. “A social order based on a strong middle class is unshakable and unyielding,” he repeated, pledging to continue policies that promote stability, resilience, and economic growth in an uncertain global era.