The Szamos River – Photo: wikipedia

Official at UN Water Conference: Natural resources common heritage

The Hungarian government aims to maintain a liveable and clean country for future generations, the state secretary for environment affairs and the circular economy said at the UN 2023 Water Conference concluding in New York on Friday.

“Natural resources, such as water, are a common heritage of our nation and sustainable development is therefore one of the principles in the constitution approved in 2012,” the ministry of technology and industry said in a statement quoting Aniko Raisz. “While numerous parts of the world suffer from water shortage, Hungary, thanks to its fortunate geographical, geological and hydrogeological characteristics, is rich in quality water resources, and we therefore consider clean water a national treasure,” she added.

Raisz said the government paid special attention to maintaining the condition of water resources in the country and also supported civil initiatives to ensure that Hungary’s rivers remain free of waste and pollution.

Education and raising public awareness are part of Hungary’s national programme, including an environmental education scheme concerning waters dubbed BISEL (Biotic Index at Secondary Education Level) which is an effective way of bringing students closer to the issues of water management and environmental protection, Raisz said. Joint action linking several sectors, such as cross-border cooperation, is also important, which can be further strengthened by the joint targets laid down in the Water Action Agenda, she added.

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