Official: 35 passengers back in Hungary after Slovakia bus collision
Tamas Menczer told a press conference on Tuesday that according to information received from Slovak police, the cause of the accident was still being investigated.
Of the 37 people that suffered only light injuries, 18 returned to Hungary late on Monday, and another 17 set off after receiving rapid medical treatment later in the night.
The remaining 23 passengers are getting treatment for their various injuries in six Slovak hospitals, including in Bratislava (Pozsony), Trnava (Nagyszombat), Skalica (Szakolca) and Malacky (Malacka).
According to earlier reports, one passenger died and more than 55 were injured when a Hungarian bus collided with a lorry on Slovakia’s D2 motorway on its way to Czechia.
The accident occurred nearby a parking lot at Zavod (Pozsonyzavod), in western Slovakia, TASR news agency said, adding that more than 30 firefighters were dispatched to the scene of the accident.