Navracsics: Consultation to be restored to culture of Hungarian legislative process
“Institutionalised consultation” provides the government with information and “sophisticated opinions” while giving universities insight into government planning, guidelines and approach, he said. Hopefully, the cooperation will blossom into a long-term dialogue in which “we can shape Hungary’s strategic paths together”, he said.
In the first round, the ministry invited institutions which have uncergone government-mandated reforms in recent years “or have a special status”, Navracsics said. The universities’ location and educational profile were also key criteria, he said.
“We have to grasp every source of information and consider all opinions that enable us to form a better-informed vision of the future of Hungary, its regions, localities and communities,” Navracsics said, adding that he hoped the agreement would shape a “stronger, more flexible and more competitive regional development policy”.
The signatory universities are the Budapest Corvinus University, Debrecen University, Etudus University, the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the University of Miskolc, the National University of Public Service, Neumann Janos University, the University of Nyiregyhaza, Obuda University, Pannon University, the University of Pecs, the University of Szeged and the University of Tokaj.