LMP presses government for 'genuine measures'
National consultation respondents want gradual re-opening
Domotor said just 12 percent of respondents think the restrictions should be lifted in a single go.
He said the government would prepare a plan for re-opening the country based on the results of the survey and adjust the gradual lifting of restrictions to the number of people who have been inoculated against the coronavirus.
“The prime minister is consulting on the details of the re-opening with Hungarian experts and the prime ministers of countries that are ahead of Hungary in their vaccination rollout,” he added.
Domotor said 65 percent of the survey respondents think people who can certify immunity against Covid-19 should be exempt from some restrictions, and 58 percent said these people should be allowed to go to events such as concerts or sports matches.
He added that 79 percent agree that only foreigners who can certify Covid-19 immunity should be allowed into the country until the end of the pandemic.
About 74 percent of respondents say the first restriction to be lifted should be the evening curfew, in place from 8:00 in the evening until 5:00 in the morning.
Domotor thanked the 528,000 people who participated in the national consultation.
LMP presses government for ‘genuine measures’
The co-leader of opposition LMP said the government should “take genuine measures” that support the livelihoods of Hungarian families and businesses instead of “sending nice messages” at a press conference on Facebook on Saturday.
Mate Kanasz-Nagy said the government had “lost control since the weekend of vaccine chaos” and failed to take the measures called for in the difficult situation at hand.
He said LMP continues to push for full sick pay for people who have to stay at home because of the coronavirus, and it wants 100 percent wage support for all affected sectors. He added that businesses in trouble should get support to pay their bills, while companies forced to close because of pandemic restrictions should get subsidies to re-open.
He said job-seekers’ benefits should be extended to nine months.