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Mi Hazank calls on Slovakia to withdraw planned administrative reform

The opposition Mi Hzank party has called on Slovakia to withdraw a plan to reform public administration, saying the move would further fragment the Hungarian community in the country.

Mi Hazank lawmaker David Docs said that according to a recently published draft of the Slovak interior ministry, the redrawing of county districts would attach a large part of the Hungarian community in Dunajska Streda (Dunaszerdahely) to Bratislava. In Trnava (Nagyszombat), a town of 300,000, the reforms would make effective Hungarian political representation impossible, the radical party MP told a press conference on Wednesday.

The new public administration system would assimilate Hungarians into large cities where Slovak dominance would be overwhelming, he said. Such a step would endanger the very existence Hungarian communities, he added.

Docs insisted that previous Slovak governments had always undermined the preservation of Hungarian minorities in the country, “and there is cause for fear that future governments will follow in their path by doing everything they can against Hungarians in the field of mother tongue education or reshaping the county system.”


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