MEP: ‘As in all cases, independent court to rule over antifa activist’s case’
Gyori spoke to Hungarian journalists following a press conference by Roberto Salis, Ilaria’s father, and French Green MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, and said that the “excitement” around Salis’s case was “in fact aimed at harming the government of Giorgia Meloni.” The leftist Italian media exerts pressure on the Italian government to intervene saying that Salis is kept under unfair prison conditions in Hungary.
Salis and her group had come to Budapest “to find a neonazi protest but could not find one as such things are prohibited in Hungary,” Gyori insisted. She also noted that the Red-Green Alliance (SVS) in the European Parliament’s Green group was running Salis as its leading candidate in the upcoming EP elections “with the obvious purpose of getting her released from prison by way of her immunity as an MEP,” Gyori said. “But it will be the Italian voters to decide if they want a lady guilty of violence as their European parliamentary representative,” she added.