Menczer: Dutch foreign minister ‘attacked Hungary’ in interview
Menczer said on Facebook that Wopke Hoekstra had relied on “the European Parliament’s lies” and expressed concern about the state of the rule of law in Hungary, saying that the rule of law and Europe’s shared values were in danger, and said the plight of the judiciary and the free press in Hungary were “awful”.
Menczer said in response that the state of the rule of law in the Netherlands itself gave cause for concern. The country has seen hundreds of anti-Semitic crimes each year since 2019, some 80 percent of journalists “receive threats”, and the state secretary for migration had to resign after concealing grave crimes committed by migrants, he said.
It would be reasonable for the European Parliament to call a meeting immediately and have a report prepared about the state of the rule of law in the Netherlands, he said.
It would also be reasonable that the Dutch foreign minister should deal with Hungary only after restoring order in his own country, he added.