Lake Ferto – Photo: wikipedia

LMP to ask construction minister about Lake Ferto investment

Green LMP will put questions to Construction and Transport Minister Janos Lazar about a hotel and leisure site construction project at Lake Ferto, a protected area in north-western Hungary, a board member of the party said on Saturday.

Maria Szendefy told an online press conference that the planned project was terminated last summer “due to the economic crisis and burdens put on the central budget by the war in Ukraine”.

“We learnt with shock later that the government office of Gyor-Moson-Sopron County has issued afterwards a permit for the construction of an even larger investment that includes more apartment houses and hotels” than originally planned, she said.

The lake is situated in the Ferto-Hansag National Park, one of the largest habitats of birds in the Carpathian Basin, where large swamps and reed hinders bathing or sailing, Szendefy said.

LMP considers the planned investment unnecessary, harmful to the environment and a waste of taxpayers’ money, she said.

The party wants to know from the minister whether the termination of the project is still in effect, what state resources are available for it and whether he will not consider it his personal responsibility “to save one of Hungary’s largest wetlands from the barbaric concrete lobby”.

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