LMP: ‘Promises no longer enough in public education’
There is a shortage of at least 16,000 teachers across the country, Antal Csardi told a press conference on Tuesday, marking Hungarian public education day.
Teachers are obliged to fill in classes on subjects that are not their specialisation in one out of every four schools and it has also been prevalent in one out of every five schools that teachers without a higher education degree teach classes, he said. “On one instance, a retired gymnastics teacher aged over 80 had to be called back,” Csardi added.
Many teachers receive a wage equivalent of the minimum wage of a skilled worker, Csardi said, adding that LMP demands a 45 percent wage increase in the sector with a retroactive effect.
“LMP demands that the government stop shifting responsibility and pointing the finger at Brussels, and take immediate steps to tackle the crisis in education,” the lawmaker said.