Photo: MTI

Landmark Budapest Corvin department store to re-open in August

The Corvin Aruhaz, an almost 100-year-old department store in the heart of Budapest, will re-open, after an 8 billion forint (EUR 21.6m) renovation, at the end of August, an owner of project company Corvin Aruhaz said on Tuesday.

Viktor Balogh told journalists at a ceremony of removing the safety netting around the store’s renovated facade that the building will entirely be restored to its original condition and renamed Corvin Palace. About half of the 16,000sqm building will be used for shops and the rest for office space, he said.

At the event, Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony said that putting metal sheeting around the building’s front was one of the “historic sins committed against Blaha Lujza Square” and welcomed that “Budapest residents have now gotten the original facade back”.

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