Kocsis: Protecting sovereignty at stake at next year’s EP elections
Change would also involve European leaders setting out on the path to peace instead of war, he said. War should not be financed and supported but all available means must be used to stop it, he added.
In the European Union’s country-specific recommendations, the bloc is trying to “dictate member states’ decisions”, he said, and rejected it as an “attempt to eliminate economic sovereignty”.
The EU has recommended that Hungary scrap extraordinary taxes financing the utility price cuts and defence, and the interest rate moratorium protecting families, he said. “They also expect us to allow Ukrainian grain from questionable sources into the country, citing support for Ukraine,” he said.
The attempt to “eliminate [Hungary’s] cultural sovereignty” is rooted in a debate on migration, he said. Hungary had apprehended more than 1 million migrants since setting up its border protection system, he added.
EU measures also aim to “force gender ideology” on Hungarians, despite last year’s referendum “with unprecedented support” where 3.5 million people expressed their views on the matter, he said.
On the matter of political sovereignty, Kocsis insisted that the European Commission and EU institutions funded leftist Hungarian organisations and NGOs with “more money than the Soros empire”. The EU is using the money of European citizens to fund Hungarian leftists, he said.
Regarding Hungary’s ratification of Sweden’s NATO membership, Kocsis said the ruling parties’ parliamentary groups had been unable to support Sweden’s NATO accession as they are waiting for an explanation on the “defamatory” film made on Hungary by Sweden’s public television.
Kocsis said the two parliamentary groups had watched the film, in which “shocking lies” are told. One of Hungary’s “best-known left-wing activists”, Marton Gulyas, also appears in it, but viewers are not informed that he is a political opponent of the current Hungarian governing parties, he added.
The ruling parties’ parliamentary groups are baffled, Kocsis added, as to “how the Swedes think that the Hungarian parliament and the two parliamentary groups will enthusiastically support Sweden’s NATO accession after such actions.” “We are waiting for an explanation from the Swedes in the matter”, he said.
Kocsis expressed his condolences to the family of a policeman who died in an explosion triggered by a wanted man earlier on Thursday.
Kocsis also cited the address of Interior Minister Sandor Pinter, who reported that illegal migrants were resorting to aggression on the border, putting the lives of Hungarian officers at risk. The Fidesz group proposes that the government further boost border protection, and to “tighten the regulations protecting Hungarian and Schengen borders,” he said.
The government will not change interest subsidies for loans and will not raise the windfall tax on banks, Kocsis said in response to a question by MTI. He added that this was the group’s position and all statements that differ from it should be regarded as personal opinions. Lending needs to be increased in 2024 and this requires subsidised loans and banks, he added.
In a speech the prime minister told the groups on Wednesday that the budget deficit will be kept on the path of decline and agreements with the chamber of trade and industry, as well as with the banking association, will be respected.
Kocsis said inflation was on a decreasing path and credit rating agencies recognised that the Hungarian economy stands on stable and strong foundations, while lending must be accelerated. Tax increase would go against this, so it would not be realistic, he added.
Commenting on central bank governor Gyorgy Matolcsy’s remarks on the government’s economic policy, he said there was a debate between the government and the central bank governor in certain economic policy issues. “It is a good and inspiring debate and should not be regarded as a reason to project the end of the world,” he added.
Commenting on the potential re-introduction of petrol price caps, he said this had not been discussed and added that he would not support it.
He also said that the amendment of the child protection law was not discussed at the group meeting because it is a matter that has already been decided.
Hungary’s parliament will table the new draft law on the protection of children in the autumn session and simultaneously, a legislation package will be submitted, designed to protect the country’s sovereignty.
The proposal aims to “make the job of those selling out the country abroad more difficult”, Kocsis said.
The proposed legislation package will contain an amendment enshrining the protection of sovereignty in the Fundamental Law, and regulations obliging all organisations running in elections to submit to the laws on party financing, he said.
The Penal Code will also be amended, to make sure that “whoever sells out their own country abroad has to answer for their deeds before court at home,” he said.
He added that this was the case “in all serious European countries”, citing the example of France.
He confirmed that Fidesz will hold its congress in November.