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Hungary’s broadband development project completed successfully

Hungary's broadband development project has completed successfully, with 97 percent of households having access to state-of-the-art network links, the government information technology agency KIFU said on Thursday.

The project has been caried out with a contribution of more than 3 billion forints (EUR 7.9m) of non-refundable European Union support, the agency said.

The aim of the Digital Agenda for Europe and the National Infocommunications Strategy was to make available at least 30 Mbs internet access to all households and at least 100 Mbs to half of households by 2020. The Next Generation Access network development project highlighted the importance of also giving access to isolated locations with low density of population.

Thanks to the launch of the Superfast Internet Programme, Hungary’s 30 Mbs coverage exceeded 95 percent by 2020 and the proportion of households getting access to 1 Gbs internet reached two-thirds by the end of 2022.

Optical cables were laid along a total of 22,500kms, and 3,800 public institutions, schools and local councils have been connected as a result of the programme, KIFU chairman Endre Spaller said in a statement.

In a global OECD summary, Hungary is in eighth place in terms of the average download speed across the country, he added.

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