The European Parliament – Photo: wikipedia

Hungarians see protection of democracy as EP’s main role

A majority of Hungarians say the European Parliament's primary responsibility is the protection of democracy and human rights, according to a fresh Eurobarometer survey released on Wednesday.

Altogether 37 percent of Hungarians surveyed considered the protection of democracy to be the legislative body’s most important role, compared with the EU average of 38 percent.

Fully 27 percent of Hungarians put the protection of human rights as the EP’s second most important responsibility, level with the EU average. A total of 22 percent of Hungarians said the EP should prioritise the protection of the rule of law.

The survey also found that 60 percent of Hungarians support Hungary’s EU membership, which is 5 percentage points below the EU average.

Altogether 46 percent of Hungarians said they had a positive view of the bloc compared with the EU average of 52 percent.

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