Hungarians in digital classrooms to get free internet in May

The government is extending free landline internet service to students and teachers learning online because of pandemic restrictions through May, deputy state secretary for digitalisation Karoly Balazs Solymar said on Friday.

A government decision to make landline internet service free of charge for those in digital classrooms has supported the work of more than 1 million students and close to 120,000 teachers, while saving Hungarian families around 1.2 billion forints (EUR 3.3m) a month, Solymar said.

He added that smaller ISPs, with annual revenue under 12 billion forints and fewer than 300 people on payroll, would be offered compensation for the government measure.

ISPs may apply for the funding for the period between November 2020 and March 2021 by May 19.

Secondary school students in Hungary have been learning online since November. They will return to their brick-and-mortar classrooms on May 10.

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