Hornung: MTVA ‘not only shows high professional standards but is also family-oriented’
Agnes Hornung, state secretary for families of the ministry of culture and innovation, and Andrea Bartos, head of the Family-Friendly Hungary Centre, handed over a certificate to MTVA, the Media Services and Support Trust Fund, which the company has won for a second time.
Ensuring a work-life balance “is a key plank of the government’s family-friendly policy”, Hornung said, noting government schemes to ensure nursery places, family-friendly developments, as well as recognising work that helps families.
In the past 15 years, the government has brought about more than 30 measures and family support schemes, she noted. As a result, there are more and more family-friendly workplaces, she said, praising MTVA for the diversity of its programming and its fostering of a family-friendly atmosphere.
Daniel Papp, the public service company’s chief executive, said it was “a joy and honour” for the company to receive the recognition once again.
He said management strove to create a welcoming and homely environment where staff could feel good, and he mentioned numerous family-friendly programmes aimed at supporting employees.