Gulyas welcomes Warsaw’s new Collegium Intermarium law university for CEE
The new private university offering masters and post-graduate courses from October was accredited by the Polish education ministry at the initiative of Ordo Iuris, a Polish civil organisation of lawyers with conservative views. Education based on the traditional values of European civilisation of Roman law, Greek philosophy and Christian moral was defined as the mission of the university by its founders.
Addressing the inauguration ceremony in a video message, Gulyas said the new university will not only serve as a guardian of Polish and central European values, but “create a forum for protecting Christian, conservative values that are close to the nations of the Three Seas Initiative area”.
“The university is poised to stand as a line of defence against the fundamentalist approach towards human rights and against political correctness raging in Europe,” Gulyas said. He called identity “the basis of a fruitful dialogue in Europe”, underlying the importance of an institution that addresses all topics with respect for European tradition and history.
On the occasion of the inauguration, an international lawyers’ conference was held. It was addressed by Tamas Sulyok, president of Hungary’s Constitutional Court, who discussed the aspects of Hungarian constitution and the issue of sovereignty.