Gulyas: More at stake at next year’s election than ever before
Gergely Gulyas said at the event in Szolnok that the election would decide whether or not voters could protect the achievements made by the government and citizens over the past decade and as well as whether their interests would continue to be represented in Europe.
If Hungary’s left wing resumes power, “we could end up in the same situation as in 2006 and the years that followed,” he warned.
More than six months ahead of the elections, all polls show that “the civic side” represented by Fidesz and its Christian Democrat ally “is stronger than ever”, he said, adding that this was despite an opposition that had joined forces “from the extreme right to the extreme left; from the Nazis to the Communists.”
Gulyas said that at the same time “the enemy must always be taken seriously, even when many of its actions are foolish”. It must be made clear what voters can expect from the current cabinet and what they can expect from a left wing that has no consensus about anything except that it wants to grab power, he added.