Government spokeswoman: Majority sees children’s education as parents’ task – public survey
According to the survey, Hungarians agree with Hungary’s child protection law regulating “LGBTQ propaganda targeting minors”, Alexandra Szentkiralyi said in a video on Facebook.
Szentkiralyi thanked the 1.4 million people who have filled in the questionnaire.
Regarding life after the pandemic, 96 percent of respondents said Hungary should be strengthened to withstand the new challenges of a “more dangerous era”, she said.
Fully 98 percent of respondents thought Hungary “should stand up for its own interests and not give in to blackmail from Brussels”, she said.
Meanwhile, 99 percent of respondents agreed that multinational companies, rather than families, should be the ones paying for their own part in climate destruction, Szentkiralyi said. “Hungarians want nothing to do with climate taxes from Brussels; they don’t want to pay the costs of pollution and climate change through higher utility charges,” she said.
The coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on the setbacks of being dependent on other countries, Szentkiralyi said: 94 percent of respondents agreed that Hungary needed a vaccine factory. “Domestic vaccine production would enable us to protect ourselves effectively in the future, without being dependent on others,” she said.
The results of the survey will inform the government’s decisions on these issues, Szentkiralyi added.