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Government official: Water increasingly valuable resource

Global challenges are turning water into an increasingly valuable commodity, and water management and ensuring water supplies are among the most important tasks of the near future, the state secretary for water management told a conference in Budapest on Monday.

Zsolt V Nemeth told a conference organised by the International Water Association (IWA) that the protection of clean water was an individual as well as communal responsibility.

In the past decade, investments in Hungarian water management were worth over 1,000 billion forints (EUR 2.5bn), the number of waste water management facilities has doubled, V Nemeth said. Some 95 percent of households have running water and 83 percent access to the sewer system, he said. As a result of an intensive integration process, almost half of the country is now covered by the state-owned National Water Works company, he added.

Meanwhile, water is also fundamental to the well-being of the human race, V Nemeth said. The recent challenges require that the international community shoulder the responsibility, as the need for water will increase with climate change, he said. Modern water management and the work of experts will be even more inevitable to ensuring a sustainable water supply, he added.

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