Commercial lots must be free to use between 7pm and 7am

Government declares free overnight parking at commercial garages

Prime Minister Viktor Orban signed a new government decree on Saturday evening that makes parking easier during the coronavirus state of emergency, the PM's press chief told MTI.

The decree, which comes into force on November 23, makes commercial P+Rs, parking garages and parking lots in residential areas free of charge from 7:00 in the evening until 7:00 in the morning, Bertalan Havasi said.

Operators must provide for use of the parking areas free of charge during that period, he added.

A separate government resolution will make parking in public areas owned by budget-funded institutions and the state open to the public, free of charge, between 7:00 in the evening and 7:00 in the morning.

In the resolution, the government asks local councils to do the same for municipality-owned parking areas and inform residents of the measure within 48 hours.

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