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Fidesz: National Consultation survey to cover issue of Ukraine grain

Hungarians will have a chance to express their opinion about the issue of Ukrainian grain imports in the upcoming National Consultation public opinion survey, the deputy group leader of ruling Fidesz said on Friday.

Following the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, Ukraine’s neighbours helped move the country’s grain exports to the poorer regions of the world, Robert Zsigo said in a statement. But instead of the grain reaching its intended destinations, “the genetically-modified Ukrainian grain that is treated with chemicals banned in the European Union” flooded eastern European markets, causing economic and health-related problems there, he added.

“This, of course, was another issue on which Brussels failed to seek the opinion of the European public, and is to this day intent on continuing this process which is dangerous to European food safety and agriculture,” Zsigo said, adding that the Fidesz-led government will seek the opinion of the Hungarian people on the matter.

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