Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch – Photo: wikipedia

Sscandals raises questions regarding the EC's sources of information, Deutsch says

Fidesz MEP queries Jourova on ties with Hungarian opposition

Tamas Deutsch, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, has sent a letter to European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova, asking her about her ties to Anna Donath, an MEP of the opposition Momentum movement.

The letter was prompted by a recently published video where, according to Deutsch, Donath had said that she was in “constant contact” with Jourova, the Vice-President for Values and Transparency. Deutsch insisted that Jourova and Donath had regularly discussed matters relating to the rule of law in Hungary.

Deutsch noted that after the video “scandal”, Jourova told a Czech daily that she had no direct contact with the Hungarian opposition.

In the letter sent in the name of Hungary’s group in the European People’s Party, Deutsch called Donath’s statements “proof” that Momentum and other Hungarian left-wing parties “consciously mislead and manipulate” European institutions and dignitaries.

Deutsch said the “scandal” raised questions regarding the EC’s sources of information regarding events in individual member states. He said Jourova’s “one-sided and biased” practices were incompatible with EU rules demanding that Commissioners work impartially and objectively.

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