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Fidesz MEP: EU continues ‘baseless slander’ against Hungary

The European Union is keeping up its "baseless slander" against Hungary in the new year, a Fidesz MEP said on Facebook on Monday.

Responding to Finnish MEP Petri Sarvamaa’s call on the EP to launch another rule-of-law procedure against Hungary and to suspend the country’s voting rights, Balazs Hidveghi said the EP had no right to initiate such a procedure. “Meanwhile, by disbursing 10 billion euros, the European Commission admitted in December that the rule of law was operational in Hungary,” Hidveghi said.

Hidveghi said a campaign of “baseless slander” was ongoing against Hungary. “This will not change as long as EU institutions are packed with people like Sarvamaa. That’s why we must take political control over this June,” he said, referring to the EP elections.

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